Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"Ice cream is exquisite. What a pity it isn't illegal" - Voltaire

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.  Well, maybe not all of us (*brad*), but I certainly do.  As you all know, I have embarked on the lovely road of lifestyle change, but I don't think I will ever be able to leave my desire for ice cream behind.  And thanks to weight watchers, I really don't have to.

However, today I came across a recipe for a fantastically guilt free homemade frozen treat compliments of the lovely Jamie Eason (see prior posts for more on my love of all things JE).

Here's the recipe for the creamy frozen deliciousness:

Fill a large ziploc bag with ice cubes and 1/2 cup of table salt.

In a separate, smaller ziploc bag, combine:
  • 1 cup almond milk (I use Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Breeze)
  • 2 tsp. Vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp. Truvia
Seal up the smaller bag, and put it in the larger bag with the ice and salt.  Seal the big bag, and shake vigorously for 5-8 minutes until the "ice cream" mixture firms up (bonus, your arms get a good workout before you can enjoy the fruits of your labor).   Put it in a bowl, and ENJOY!!

The best part of this whole operation is that this entire 1 cup of creamy deliciousness is just 40 calories and 3.5 grams of fat (if you use the unsweetened almond milk).  Jamie also adds that if you add a scoop of vanilla protein powder to the mixture, it can be a great post-workout snack.  I couldn't agree more!!!

So thank you, Jamie Eason, for showing me how to make my love of all things creamy and frozen carry over into my new, healthier, lifestyle.

Step 1 - Salt and Ice
Step 2 - Almond Milk, Vanilla, Truvia
Step 3 - Little Bag Into Big Bag
Step 4 - MMMMMM

On a sidenote, I'm sure a lot of you are fans of Tofutti's products, and I myself enjoy them as well.  However, more and more studies are showing the dangers for females who consume excessive amounts of soy on a daily basis.  I have become much more conscious of my soy intake recently.  For all intents and purposes, I am a vegetarian (with the occasional chicken breast thrown in a couple times a month), so I used to rely on soy as a protein source quite often.  I have since incorporated more whole grains, legumes, and whey protein into my diet and cut way back on the soy products.  I still eat edamame a few times a week, but I keep it to no more than 3 servings a week. 

I'm off to enjoy my "ice cream" :o)


Nicole said...

I just bought an ice cream maker and I'm in the process of trying out all kinds of new ideas...I will definitely try this healthy option!

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