Monday, August 9, 2010

My kind of convenience food...

Mornings for me can be pretty hectic and fast-paced.  Wake up at 4:30, throw down some nonfat greek yogurt with blueberries and flax seeds, and rush off to the gym for my morning workout.  Shower at the gym, get on the road to be in West Orange by 7:45ish.  Post-workout re-fueling is very important, and should never be neglected, no matter what kind of time crunch you are under.  I wouldn't be able to get through the first part of the day without it.  However, I try as often as possible to utilize real food rather than protein shakes if possible. 

And thus, I began experimenting.  Hungry Girl has a lot of recipes for "egg mugs" which can be delicious and nutritionally are perfect for a post-workout blend of protein and carbs, but if you are anywhere near as uncoordinated as I am, using a fork and operating a motor vehicle should not be done simultaneously. 

And so I give you, a true egg muffin!  For 5 days worth, I blended 1 1/4 cups of liquid egg whites with chili powder, red pepper, hot sauce, shredded fresh baby spinach, and diced fresh green pepper.  I divided them evenly amongst 5 muffin cups coated with non-stick spray.  Popped the tray in the oven for 12 minutes at 350, and voila...a week's worth of quick, convenient, nutritious post-workout meals.  Just keep in a tupperware in the fridge.  In the morning, put it on an Arnold's Wheat Sandwich Thin, pop it in the toaster for a few minutes to warm, wrap it in foil and it should stay warm for you to eat after your workout on the morning commute.


Nicole said...

I make these all the time and love them!

Emily said...

My friend used to make them a lot for work. They're delicious.

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