Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 3 - Snow Days and Cabin Fever

This blizzard is insane! However, a day spent cooped up in the house usually leads to the consumption of many many unnecessary calories. I am pleased to report that this did not occur for me today! I resisted temptation and stayed out of the kitchen except for me already planned meals/snacks for the day :o)

Started the day w/ Level 2 of the Shred, and then made a lovely protein shake (the same one as yesterday). I also had a bowl of Quaker Lower Sugar Peaches and Cream oatmeal for breakfast. Delish!!

For lunch I had Campbell's Select Harvest Light Vegetable and Pasta Soup (only 120 cals for the whole can!) and I paired that w/ 2 multigrain rice cakes with some melted low fat mozzarella cheese on them.

Dinner consisted of a Weight Watchers Smart Ones meal - Santa Fe Style Rice and Beans

I snacked on some unsalted pistachio nuts, and had a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich for dessert.

I'm feeling great about today :o)

This weekend, I'm planning to continue with the Shred, but also go to the gym.

Here's to the past 3, the next 27, and the rest of my life


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